LEWISTON — The 2021 College Access Soccer Clinic will take place on Don Rioux Field at Lewiston High School on Sunday, July 25 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m..

This program is for high school boys looking to gain exposure to college coaches, learn about the recruiting process, and play at a high level in college.  You will train as college players train, receive instruction and the opportunity to play in small-sided and full-sided matches to evaluate your ability to play at the next level.  Our coaching staff will introduce you to the college soccer recruiting process, as well as to the application and admissions landscape for colleges.

Our 2019 College Access Clinic in Lewiston hosted 35 players from all over the Lewiston-Auburn area, as well as several students from other areas in Maine and New England.  The clinic is open to all boys’ soccer players entering 9-12th grades.

Eric Wagner the head coach at NCAA Division III Swarthmore College will conduct the clinic. Also attending will be Brendan Grady the head coach at Division III Juniata College, Abdijabar Hersi the head coach at CMCC, USCAA and a couple of current Division III players. Coach Wagner hopes to also bring a college administrator to talk to players about the process and challenges a player may encounter with applications and financial aid.


10-11 a.m. Check-in and set up at Don Roux Field.


11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Training session involving skills and small field play.

12:30-1:30 p.m. College Access Seminar/Lunch with college coaches and an administrator.

1:30-3 p.m. College Access scrimmage match (11-v-11)

Reservations: www.GarnetSoccerCamps.com

Fee: $10 includes lunch

For more information, please contact Eric Wagner at ewagner1@swarthmore.edu or call 610-690-6882.