AFCI Services

All AFCI services are free. Have you taken advantage of any of them? Our N2N Rides Program? (Many children and grandchildren of older adults in our community have expressed what a relief this program is to them.) Our Home Safety/Home Assessment Program? (Many older adults who are beginning to be a little uneasy about their mobility enjoy the peace of mind they feel about safety within their home). Our Handy Neighbor home chores program? (Many grateful community members are just beginning to realize they can’t quite accomplish the chores they’re accustomed to). Our various learning opportunities like the handicrafts “Brew” session or the Master Your Devices “Brew” session? (back in the good ole’ days when we had in-person events)?

Call 824-4444 to access any of our services. We hope these programs are meeting a public need, and often our clients express a desire to pay for services. We’re committed to avoiding a pay-for-service system, but we certainly welcome donations made to the Age-Friendly Community Initiative. Simply send your donation, along with a note, to AFCI, PO Box 833, Bethel, ME 04217. Thanks.

We are pleased to be collaborating with the Bethel Recreation Department in publishing a map of safe walking trails in Bethel; free copies are available in a number of local locations.


The Bethel Area Chamber of Commerce website ( contains information on upcoming events in the area, including live music every Friday and Saturday night and pickleball games. Check also for upcoming shows and events at The Gem Theater ( Other recreational opportunities include the Valentine Farm pollinator garden and walking trails and the Davis Park Walkway, which has been extended to the Valentine Farm and now includes four exercise stations.

Community Suppers are the last Wednesday of each month, 4:30-6 p.m. at the Bethel Alliance Church. The Bethel Food Pantry is open on the first and third Wednesday of each month from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

TIipsPS from AARP.
5 Signs of Osteoporosis (
Find Relief with a Do It Yourself Massage Plan (

To request free AFCI services: 207-824-4444. For general information or inquiries and suggestions: email, visit our FaceBook page or website And look for our fall/winter flyers in public sites.

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