Scott Harriman

Name: Scott Harriman

Age: 35

Occupation: Self-employed landlord; in-home caregiver

Political experience: None

Why do you think you’re the most qualified, or best candidate for this seat?

I am a lifelong Mainer who has decided to settle in Lewiston. I enjoy living here and I want to make things better for my neighbors. I’m a good listener, I pay attention to local issues and I plan to use my voice on the City Council to advocate for this neighborhood and the city of Lewiston as a whole.


Please name two issues that you believe are critical to Lewiston’s future, and how you would address them.

Our children are Lewiston’s future. I plan to be a strong supporter of our school system so it has the resources necessary to ensure that all students receive an equitable education and that all educators and staff feel valued and supported.

We also need to expand safe and affordable housing options. Rents have increased dramatically, yet too many people are still living in poorly-maintained properties, which, among other things, impact kids’ ability to learn.

Do you support the New England Clean Energy Connect transmission line project? Why or why not?

I do not personally support the transmission line due to its negative impacts on indigenous populations and the people of western Maine. However, these downsides do not necessarily extend to Lewiston, which could certainly benefit from the large expected increase in tax revenue when the project is complete. As a representative for Ward 3, I will put aside my personal reservations about the transmission line and vote in the best interest of my constituents.

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