As a lifelong resident of Lewiston, mother of two school-aged children, nurse in the community, and former Lewiston School Committee member, I fully support the reelection of Megan Parks as Lewiston’s at-large School Committee member.

Having served with Megan for two years and observing her service to our community, educators and students over the course of her tenure, I have found her to be a fair, respected, informed, equitable, fiscally responsible and independent leader.

As chair of the committee the past two years, Megan has led with poise and grit as she has navigated some most-challenging times in public education. Refusing to allow those with personal and political agendas to influence our schools and students, Megan has stood up time and time again to focus on meeting the real needs of students and educators in Lewiston.

I ask voters to join me in supporting Megan Parks on Nov. 2.

Renee Courtemanche, Lewiston

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