I write in response to the letter by Serge Abergel, Hydro-Québec’s director of communications, published Oct. 20.

Let’s take a moment and keep this simple.

It amazes me every time I see either a TV ad or a letter to the editor regarding out-of-state companies funding the “Yes on Question 1” campaign.

Do people notice that the ones who are saying out-of-state — Florida, USA and Texas, USA — are actually foreign, out-of-the-country companies?

Spain (CMP/Avangrid) and Canada (Hydro-Québec) are backing this project in Maine.

The Spain and Canada ads are to simply take the focus off all their own failures to uphold the truths and actions of their own doings.


I really can’t believe that this isn’t realized by other Mainers.

Like one man who stopped by the “Yes on 1” booth at the Farmington Fair said to me, “the majority of Mainers are not as intelligent as the people on PUC and DEP.”

I was appalled at that comment, and told him so.

If the Department of Environmental Protection and Public Utilities Commission were doing their jobs, they would uphold the laws and Constitution of the state of Maine, and this politically-backed destruction of close to a mile of Maine’s public lands would not be happening.

People have to remember how CMP was ranked nationally (lowest). How the company’s response time was during storm outages. And, how its meter/billing situations were done. Not good.

Mainers should vote yes on Question 1.

Dawn King, Lisbon