Jay Select Board voted Monday to have a Livermore man fix headstones that were toppled by vandals at the Jay Hill Cemetery in Jay. Jay Police Department photo

JAY — Selectpersons voted Monday to spend up to $1,500 to have a Livermore man fix, replace or reattach headstones to bases at the Jay Hill Cemetery on Cemetery Road, off Route 4.

Twenty-four headstones were toppled and two of them broke when they were vandalized.

Some of the stones date back to the 1800s, police Chief Richard Caton IV previously said. Members of the Public Works Department discovered the damage while mowing the cemetery Oct. 1.

It is unknown when the vandalism occurred because the section is way in the back, Town Manager Shiloh LaFreniere said.

Brady Lake, co-owner of L & R Granite Works, has done work on cemetery stones for the town. He looked at the area and the stones, LaFreniere said. He can complete the repairs, including replacing stones, reattaching them to their bases and straightening any bases, for between $1,200 and $1,500, she said.

The work can be paid through the Cemetery Reserve Capital Account, which has about $31,000, LaFreniere said.

Depending on how long it will take to get the adhesive and depending on the weather, the work could be done later this fall or in the spring.

No one has been charged with the vandalism. Anyone with information about the damage is asked to call the Jay Police Department at 207-897-6766.

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