Ryan Hawes Submitted photo

Name: Ryan Hawes

Age: 34

Occupation: Vice president of retail services at a local financial institution

Political experience: None

Why do you think you’re the most qualified, or best candidate for this seat? 

I will be the best candidate for Ward 2 because I understand that small changes in local government can make a large impact on Auburn families and businesses. As your city councilman, I will listen to new ideas and take into consideration data and common sense before making any changes. I am business minded, fiscally responsible and will insist that we spend taxpayers’ funds wisely to ensure a prosperous future for all the great people of Auburn.


Please name two issues that you believe are critical to Auburn’s future, and how you would address them. 

Housing has been a catching point for people lately. Understanding that Auburn does not want to follow in neighboring towns’ footsteps, Auburn is positioned perfectly for growth in this area. We also need to take into consideration the layout of our city and ensure we expand safely and efficiently.

Business development and growth has come up during my conversations with Auburn residents. They are becoming frustrated with the lack of business here in town. Auburn residents dislike traveling to Augusta or Portland to keep up with their shopping needs. We have the space available for growth and we should take advantage of that. Ensuring we are growing Auburn’s economy and protecting its environment.

Do you think the city should expand recreational and development opportunities surrounding Lake Auburn? Why or why not? 

Lake Auburn is a delicate balance of essential and opportunity. The questions are how do we bridge the gap, by expanding waterfront development and maintaining its beauty and water usage? We can increase the water filtration systems and designate areas for building, asking developers to follow guidelines to ensure it stays clean, healthy and safe for all.

Tim MacLeod Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal

Name: Tim MacLeod


Age: 38

Occupation: 340B analyst

Political experience: City councilor for Ward 2, serving on L-A Transit Committee, Great Falls TV, L-A 911, and Edward Little High School building committee

Why do you think you’re the most qualified, or best candidate for this seat? 

I have served Ward 2 for the past two years and this has given me a great appreciation for public service. I am pragmatic and willing to listen to all sides to try and find a path forward.

Please name two issues that you believe are critical to Auburn’s future, and how you would address them.


Issue 1: Use of (American Rescue Plan Act) money. This money is a once-in-a-lifetime bolus of funds. We need to think hard before we spend it. I would like to see the money be spent to do the greatest good for as many people in Auburn as possible. We need to be forward thinking on how we can leverage this money to do the most good for Auburn and its citizens.

Issue 2: Growth, sustainability and innovation. Auburn needs to be on the forefront of technology and innovations. We need to look for ways to leverage technology and innovations to ensure our growth is sustainable. We can work to grow from the inside out. We should be looking to create our electric infrastructure to power the future fleet vehicles.

Do you think the city should expand recreational and development opportunities surrounding Lake Auburn? Why or why not?

I think there is a balance that we can strive for. I would like to see low-impact development standards applied to the entire watershed, including outside of Auburn. I think there might be some more recreational opportunities on and around the lake. The Lake Auburn study will help guide the level of recreation and development there might be. We have Lake Grove Park, which we historically swam and should be swimming in again. I do not think swimming in Lake Auburn is the best use of that resource.

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