Megan Parks, Lewiston School Committee chairwoman, fights for the future of our youth.

I support reelecting Megan for innumerable reasons, including her passion and commitment to our community. I’ve walked streets alongside her on the coldest nights, searching for people in need of food and shelter.

I’ve witnessed Megan’s excitement while flooding her office with books, activities and healthy snacks, keeping children in quarantine entertained while COVID-sick and isolated.

I’ve seen sadness in Megan’s eyes when she’s done all she can to support a person with mental illness to no avail, yet continues to stand by them.

I vote for Megan because she is honest, genuinely cares about people, attacks issues wholeheartedly, and the impact she’s had on our community goes beyond measure.

Megan’s character speaks for itself; she’s authentic, well versed in Lewiston’s most important issues and will not stop fighting for what’s right for our people.

Tonya Sands, Lewiston

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