Top row left to right: Tim Dunphy, Benjamin Farris, Mika Torres, Ferdie Torres, Ariana Touchette-Ruiz, Richard Boucher, Michael Umayam; Middle row left to right: Jessica Younger, Chhoeun Thy, Karlie Thibodeau, Deb Boyd, Andrew Evans, Aaron Boutler; Bottom row left to right: Liam Laflamme, Mia Bryce, Caleb Harrington. Missing from the photo: Amy Blake and Megan Boutler. Submitted photo
After so many months away due to the coronavirus pandemic, was finally able to compete again at the Husky Cup held on Nov. 13 at the University of Connecticut. JKA won eight gold, 10 silver, three bronze, and three Husky Cups for winning two first places in their division.
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