100 Years Ago: 1922

When there’s any snow at all it is sliding time on the Frankia Field in Lewiston. It is the one best place in all the city for the sport and has been such for many years. The old timer looked out the one-man car window toward the field where a crowd of boys and girls were having fine sport coasting and skiing. I used to slide there myself, when I was a boy,” said he. He watched for a few seconds and continued: “It doesn’t seem to me that so many of the young folks take advantage of this fun as when I was a boy. That was 35 or 40 years ago; then those  hillsides would be black with people every night there was good sliding. No one ever thought of stopping before eleven o’clock. There were crowds by day, too. Now,” he went on “you don’t see so many people there and yet it is the safest  place in the city for the young folks — or the old either, to go coasting.

50 Years Ago: 1972

Most of the businesses in the Cushman Hollis building building will remain in Auburn should the immense structure be demolished in connection with the Union Street By-Pass Project. That’s what City Manager Bernard J. Murphy Jr. told those who attended the public hearing conducted by the State Highway Commission at Webster Middle School Wednesday night. The manager said: “We have assurance from both principal tenants that the employers (Shapiro Bros. and Advance Heel Co.) will remain in Auburn.”

25 Years Ago: 1997

The Great Falls Model Railroad Club will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday at Merrill Hill School, Western Avenue. A video of Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor will be shown with a brief meeting to follow. The clinic will be module ideas by Charles Kadyk.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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