100 Years Ago: 1922

The placing of milk in the Auburn schools by Miss Whitney, R.N. is meeting with phenomenal success at the Lincoln Grammar School Wednesday, 118 half pint bottles were consumed by the children. “It’s a funny thing,” sald Miss Whitney, but many mothers declare that while their children won’t drink milk at home the magic straw and bottle does the trick in the school room. “We are providing undernourished children with fresh milk every day — I mean the ones who can’t afford to purchase it, and the children who don’t really need the milk but are without funds and desire it receive a half pint every other day free of charge. Their fellow students never know the difference.” In speaking at the Webster School recently, Dr. Wiseman stated that from reliable sources he has found that Miss Whitney is the first school nurse to introduce the milk into the schools.

50 Years Ago: 1972

Mrs. Horacio A. Lichter and her young pupil, Ruth Anderson are among the performers to be featured in a  Lewiston-Auburn College Club sponsored program at the Bates College Theater, on February 17. The program, only open to College Club members and their guests, is designed to display the broad scope of talent residing in the twin cities and is presenting in addition to the classic ballet, vocal and instrumental music and readings. Mrs. Lichter, who prior to her marriage to Dr. Lichter performed professionally with New York’s Ballet Theater, opened her own studio here a few years ago. Ruth Anderson has been her pupil for the past two years and travels from her home in the Augusta area, twice weekly. She received her early training in Texas. For the College Club Guest Night they will perform to taped accompaniment excerpts from Minkus Don Quixote Ballet.

25 Years Ago: 1997

The Auburn Public Library board of trustees has presented a plaque to Elizabeth and David Young of Auburn for their many hours of service to the library. The Youngs were honored at a reception held to welcome the newly appointed director, Steve Norman. The plaque was presented to the Youngs by Barbara Raimondi, vice president of the board of trustees.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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