100 Years Ago: 1922
Wednesday morning’s traveling was as bad as any seen this winter. One man living on Nichols Street fell three times getting from there to College street, after which he gave up in disgust and informed the world chat he was going to lessen his chances of breaking a leg by making the remainder of the journey on the Figure Eight. In spite of his falls, luck was with him, for altho on one occasion he just missed landing in a pool of water he was able to escape without a cold bath.
50 Years Ago: 1972
Debbie Freeman, a Senior Girl Scout in Auburn, will be the guest speaker on Monday evening when four Auburn Girl Scout troops hold a get-together at the VFW hall on Minot Avenue. Participating will be Cadette Troop 561 of the VFW with Mrs. Beverly Polley as the leader, the hostess group; Junior Troops 278. led by Mrs. Roland St. Pierre; 298. led by Mrs. Normand A. Tancrel, and 794, led by Mrs. Theodore Reynolds. Miss Freeman will give a talk on her scouting activities which included a backpack trip to Ontario, Canada. and she will also entertain with her guitar and songs. Refreshments of cupcakes and punch will be served by the Cadettes.
25 Years Ago: 1997
Poland Community School eighth graders and their parents are being invited to attend a ninth grade orientation program at 6:30 pm. March 13 in the cafeteria at Westbrook High School. Academic programs and registration procedures will be explained, and administrators, guidance counselors and department heads will avail questions. Most Poland high school freshmen are being bused to Westbrook until the fall of 1999, when the new Poland High School is scheduled to open.
The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.
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