Neil McLean Jr. is running for district attorney for Androscoggin, Franklin and Oxford counties. Submitted photo

Neil McLean Jr., an assistant district attorney for Androscoggin County, has officially announced his candidacy for district attorney for Androscoggin, Franklin and Oxford counties.

A Republican, McLean is the only official candidate on the ballot for the June primary for the position. For 15 years, he served as assistant district attorney, the last two years in Androscoggin County handling serious felony cases.

Andrew Robinson, a Democrat and the current district attorney, is not seeking reelection.

McLean enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1988, serving with the 101st Airborne Division. He saw active duty in Desert Shield and Desert Storm. For the past 15 years, he served as a prosecutor in three districts as well as in the Attorney General’s Office.

In a statement released with his announcement, McLean said he has a “strong commitment to accountability, fairness, integrity and the equal application of justice throughout Oxford, Franklin and Androscoggin counties.”

He said as district attorney he would confront opioid and drug crimes, and work closely with law enforcement and community partners to ensure the safety of the public and protect victims.

He also said he would “fight for fair and just sentences in all criminal matters, and advocate for tough penalties in cases of domestic violence and human trafficking.”

McLean said his goals and priorities include ensuring bail decisions are “anchored in public and victim safety,” reducing recidivism and “balancing the individual characteristics of each defendant while always maintaining integrity and transparency” of the District Attorney’s Office.

In his announcement, he stated,  “I pledge to always be mindful that the district attorney is a public servant whose duty, obligation and ultimate goal should be the law, public safety, and the pursuit of justice on behalf of all the citizens I serve.”