RANGELEY — The Board of Selectmen decided Monday to hold a public hearing April 11 on the budget articles in the annual Town Meeting warrant.

It is set for 5 p.m. at the Town Office and will be available by Zoom as well.

The proposed $9 million spending plan includes estimates for the town’s share of the Rangeley Lakes Regional School District and Franklin County, Town Manager Joe Roach said. The school and county budgets have not been set, he said.

The hearing will provide feedback to the board.

The municipal budget includes a 3% cost-of-living increase for nonunion employees.

It also includes an increase of $2,019.26 each for the town clerk and code enforcement officer. The two were new to the jobs when a previous raise was given to some employees, Board Chairwoman Cynthia Egan previously said.


Voters will also be asked if they want the town to join the Maine Public Employees Retirement System, effective July 1. If voters approve it, two plans would be offered, Roach said.

One is the general government employee plan in which the town would pay 10.2% of each participating employee’s annual salary. The public safety plan would require the town to pay 11.4% of an individual employee’s annual salary.

Individual employees would pay 6.85% and 8.2%, respectively, Roach said.

The $9 million budget proposal does not factor in an estimated $1 million in revenues, Roach said.

The current budget is $8.86 million, he said.

The warrant also includes $50,000 from the town’s $121,978.90 from the American Rescue Plan Act for premium pay for eligible employees. The town has received half of the funds and will receive the other half later in the year.


It is not included in the budget, Roach said.

It was announced Wednesday that nomination papers for several elected positions are available at the Town Office. They must be filed by April 29.

There are two, three-year selectman terms up for election. They are held by Ethan Shaffer and Stephen Philbrick, Assistant Town Manager Traci Lavoie said.

Two, three-year terms are also available on the Park Commission. James Jannace and Kash Haley hold the positions, Town Clerk Marti Belt said Wednesday.

Other positions up for election are two, two-year positions on the Rangeley Lakes Regional School board. Those seats are held by Christopher Farmer and Karen Seaman, Belt said.

Two Sewer Commission seats for three-year terms are also available. Jonathan Adkins holds one; the other is vacant, she said.

There are also six positions on the seven-member Budget Committee up for election. Three, three-year seats are  available. Denise Mercier and Kyle Haley hold two of them; the third is vacant.

Three, two-year terms are also available. Mark Beauregard holds one and the other two are vacant, Belt said.

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