100 Years Ago: 1922

The officer on the beat at the corner of Court St. and Turner Street stated that the traffic light at the juncture had been properly lit Monday, but it was extinguished by Edward Little High School celebraters. Noticing that that the lantern was out he immediately borrowed a match and relit it.

50 Years Ago: 1972

(From a Journal photo) Two Auburn Public Library retirees were honored Tuesday night at a retirement dinner held by library senior staff’ members. Left to right are Mrs. Catherine L. White, hostess for the affair; Edward L. Kirshner, retiring after 10 years as library custodian; Miss Audrey Estes, retiring after 18 years on the senior staff; and Miss Amy Sherman, librarian.

25 Years Ago: 1997

A fifth-grade teacher at Jay Elementary School has been named by the State Board of Education and the Maine Department of Education as the recipient of a Teacher Who Makes A Difference in the Maine Teacher of the Year Program. Carol Hardy, who has taught fifth grade at Jay Elementary School for 19 years was nominated by a community member. In making the presentation, Peter Geiger, chairman of the Maine State Board of Education, said, “Congratulations for all you do to make a difference in the lives of Maine children.” Hardy grew up in Massachusetts, moved to Maine with her family as a young person and graduated from Mt. Blue High School. She attended the University of Maine at Farmington and has spent her teaching career at Jay Elementary School. She is married to Rick Hardy, who is a fourth-grade teacher at Cascade Brook Elementary School in Farmington.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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