Hunter Brissette of Lisbon scores at home plate during a game against Telstar in Lisbon on May 5. Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal

Hunter Brissette watched his freshman season as seniors Lucas Francis and Noah Austin led Lisbon to a Class C baseball title in 2019. 

Brissette was quiet, but took note of how things went. He said he learned the importance of focusing on the team, and that “your teammate will pick you up if you make a mistake.”

This year, Brissette is a senior on Lisbon’s top-seeded and unbeaten (19-0) team that is preparing to take on No. 6 Maranacook (14-5) on Tuesday in the Class C South final at St. Joseph’s College at 6:30 p.m.

Brissette spent most of his freshman season starting at third base, though he did pitch once. He also was the Greyhounds’ leadoff hitter. That’s a lot of responsibility for a first-year player, but the Lisbon coaches had a lot of confidence in Brissette, and they made sure that he knew that.

“Typical freshman. A little nervous, a little worried about the big role,” Lisbon head coach Randy Ridley said. “One thing we told him was, ‘We wouldn’t put you there if we didn’t think you could do the job.’ We told him that during his first preseason game, and he kind of relaxed and did a great job for us all season and beyond.”

After the 2020 spring sports season was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Brissette became one of the Greyhounds’ pitchers his junior year because there were open spots in the rotation and that’s what the team needed. 


“I feel like I had a pretty good pitching year because I had about a 0.70 (earned run average) last year, so I’d say it went pretty well,” Brissette said. “I was pitching with my AAU team (Maine Lightning) before that and so I had experience.”

This season, Brissette is part of a loaded Greyhounds pitching rotation that also includes Levi Tibbetts, Nick Ferrence and Mason Booker.

“It feels great,” Brissette said of having three other strong pitchers on the staff. “It takes a lot of the pressure off, where if you don’t have it that day, then someone else can come in and help. It takes the pressure off and it’s nice to have.”

Hunter Brissette of Lisbon High School fires a pitch during Friday’s playoff game against Oak Hill High School in Lisbon. Daryn Slover/Sun Journal

Ridley said Brissette’s velocity has improved over the past two seasons and that he’s added a couple pitches and is able to place them where he wants. 

To get that improved velocity, Brissette said he’s been working out a lot more and eating healthier. 

“It’s the weight room, probably. I’m just getting bigger,” Brissette said. “My freshman year I was probably 130 pounds, and now I’ve gained almost 50 pounds, around 180, and now I’ve also been eating right and feel better. My pitching velocity has gone up, the exit velocity off the bat has gone way up — just power.” 



Brissette isn’t not a vocal leader, and, Ridley said that Brissette doesn’t take other players under his wing — rather, teammates “just go to him.”

The senior shows up 20-30 minutes before every practice and is one of the last players to leave. That’s part of a work ethic that he’s had since middle school.

“He’s been dedicated to his craft and he’s in the gym all the time, swinging his bat and always trying to get better,” Ridley said. “His work ethic is very strong. He works constantly. He’s the first one here, works off the tee, goes through his own pregame stretch, and his work ethic is phenomenal. You see the other kids seeing it and buying into it and doing their own extra work. They’re seeing through Hunter how to be the best.”

Ridely said that one of the freshmen who has especially embraced the example set by Brissette is Cody Osmond.

“He’s looked up to him and watches him come in early and knows what to do to get to that level,” Ridley said. “(Brissette) hasn’t pulled anyone towards him, they just go to him. He’s been that type of leader.”



This season, Lisbon slayed the dragon by beating Monmouth twice after losing to the Mustangs twice a year ago, including in the 2021 C South final. 

Brissette, the senior, is the player the Greyhounds look to and expect to come through in tough situations. For instance, in Saturday’s semifinal win over Monmouth, he got on base and scored twice in the 3-2 victory.

“He has always come through clutch,” Ridley said. “The situation never seems to phase him. He’s got a great approach, doesn’t let the moment get the best of him, and this year, especially, he’s led the way.”

Brissette said that, similar to the 2019 squad, this year’s Greyhounds are “clicking” all the way through the lineup and have a stacked pitching staff.

“This year’s team, I feel like we are a lot closer as a team,” Brissette said. “Last year we struggled, we weren’t always together, and COVID had something to do with that, but this year we’re just clicking. We’re clicking, one-through-nine are hitting and the pitching has been great. All our guys have dominated.”

“They’ve all taken last year’s hurt and taken it as motivation to get over the hump,” Ridley added. “They’ve done it as a team. Everybody has been a part of something that’s helped this team this year.”

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