POLAND — Selectpersons on Tuesday night announced a meeting with an architect Monday at 1 p.m. at the A.B. Ricker Memorial Library to discuss plans for renovating and expanding the building.

Plans include a larger children’s area and computer center. Taxpayers authorized at least $1 million toward the project during at the April 2 town meeting where two expenditures for a library expansion project were approved.

The first expenditure totaled $150,000 from a stone trust and the other came from an authorization for the town to buy an $850,000 bond to account for the difference, according to Town Manager Matt Garside.

Also next week, the first meeting of the charter commission, which was approved by voters at the June 14 meeting, is set for Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Office conference room.

The Select Board proposed forming the commission to see if the public wishes to switch from an in-person annual town meeting to voting on the warrant at the polls during the state primary election in June, or on the first Tuesday in June if no state election takes place.

A chairman, vice chairman and recording secretary will be chosen and dates set for meetings. A public hearing will also be set for people to weigh in on concerns or additions to the charter.

In other business Tuesday, selectpersons unanimously approved the financial warrants, authorizing $846,285.87 in payments. Revenue is $196,000 more than projected, and spending is $440,000 underbudget. However, the expense number is set to change within the remaining period of the fiscal year which ends on June 30.

“The expense number will change as we have a week or so left in the fiscal year and there are things that we have not posted. But no matter what, we’re going to be able to put a significant amount of money back into the our unassigned fund balance,” said Garside.

The board unanimously approved the names Scott Road and Sweat Drive.

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