LISBON — The Town Council voted 4-1, with one member abstaining, to direct town staff to work with legal counsel to draft a 90-day moratorium on new marijuana businesses in town at Tuesday’s meeting.

If enacted, new cannabis businesses will be prohibited from opening for the duration of the moratorium.

The Town Council took up the issue following comments at the previous meeting from several town residents expressing concerns about the number of cannabis businesses in Lisbon. Councilors emphasized that they will consider restricting future businesses, not those which already exist.

Paul Griesbach, who spoke at the previous meeting, presented the council with a petition containing 50 signatures from Lisbon residents who shared similar concerns.

“I was pleasantly surprised that people were supportive of the idea of slowing things down a little bit and taking another look,” he said.

According to his research, there are currently six cannabis businesses in Lisbon with two more having received permits earlier this month.


Councilor Christine Cain said she was of two minds on the moratorium, but is open to a discussion.

“A diversity of businesses and things that would draw people to visit multiple establishments is going to be better for the economy than all of the businesses being one thing that people come one and done and they’re not spending time in the community,” she said.

“I’m against it,” said Councilor Raymond Robishaw. “I think there’s an opportunity for anyone to have any type of business in Lisbon. … They have just as much right as anyone else to rent or buy.”

Councilors will vote on whether to enact the moratorium at an unspecified future meeting.

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