Maine humorist Tim Sample. Submitted photo

Maine humorist Tim Sample will bring his family-friendly show to the stage at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 2, at Deertrees Theatre in Harrison. Sample’s unique New England style of humor has gained him a national following for more than two decades. When introducing Tim on ABC’s Good Morning America, Charles Gibson referred to him as “the man who wrote the book – literally – on Maine humor!”  Legendary newsman Charles Kuralt has called Sample “Maine’s Humorist Laureate.”

Sample’s take on Maine humor is not about punchlines. “Sure,” Sample says, “there are gags and laugh lines, but that’s not where the funny lives.” Sample’s family-friendly performances offer a refreshing evening of laughter and fun for all ages.

Founded in 1936 as an opera house, Deertrees Theatre, located at 156 Deertrees Road, Harrison, was built on the site of an old deer run in the forest above the village. Constructed of rose hemlock in the Adirondack style with hand carved fixtures and near perfect acoustics, the non-profit theatre is listed on the National Registry of Historic Places and has long been home to Broadway-quality entertainment. Deertrees is home to the Sebago-Long Lake Music Festival on Tuesday evenings in July, The Backstage Art Gallery featuring the works of local artists, and The Salt Lick Café, offering cabaret acts, small bites, beer and wine. For more information, visit, email, or follow Deertrees Theatre on Facebook and Instagram.

Tickets are $30. All ticket prices include a $2 Heritage Fee that supports the ongoing restoration and improvements of the Deertrees Theatre. For more information, visit, email, call 207-583-6747 or follow Deertrees Theatre on Facebook and Instagram.