LIVERMORE FALLS — The First Baptist Church of Livermore Falls Sunday Service and upcoming events, (located at 25 Church Street in Livermore Falls) are as follows:

The Sunday Service begins at 10:30 a.m. On Sunday, July3, Rev. Thayer delivered a wonderful, uplifting sermon, as usual. However, before the sermon began, the following uplifting things took place: Maggie Houlihan played familiar hymns and Patriotic Songs on the pipe organ. Kay King Watson read the Announcements for the week. Rev. Thayer gave the Call To Worship, Psalm 81: 1 – 2.

Kay led the Praise Songs: “This Is My Country” and “Battle Hymn of the Republic”. After prayers and praises, and the Lord’s Prayer, the congregation sang the “Gloria Patri”. Then they sang “God Bless the U.S.A.” During the offertory, Maggie and Margaret played “Instruments of Your Peace”. For the special music, the ladies sang “God Bless America” and the congregation joined in on the refrain. Rev. Thayer chose scriptures from Matthew 5: 27 – 48. Based on those scriptures, his sermon was titled, “Sermon on the Mount – Relationships”.

After the Sermon, the congregation sang “Let There Be Peace On Earth”. Then, Communion  was served and the service ended with making a circle around the sanctuary and singing “Blest Be the Tie That Binds”.

All are welcome to attend our services.

The church is collecting canned pasta during the month of July for the local Food Cupboard.

The Annual Festival will take place on July 16 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be games, a bounce house & slide, a pie raffle, baked goods table, a silent auction, and other events outside. Beginning at lunchtime, in the Sanctuary, Don and Heidi Emery will provide singing entertainment, immediately followed by a Puppet Show and a chance to see the puppets up close & personal. Bring the whole family!

Also First Baptist Church will sponsor a concert by Brad White at the Livermore Falls Gazebo on Tuesday, July 19 at 7 p.m.  White is a Gospel Singer & Pianist who has been in Livermore Falls many times in past years.  His performance will be entertaining with many familiar hymns and  sure to be entertaining for all. Bring your lawn chairs!

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