LIVERMORE FALLS — Because of illness, our organist, Maggie Houlihan, was missing from our service, and sorely missed by the church family! We are praying for her speedy recovery and return to church services. Margaret Emery served as organist.
Song leader Kay King Watson welcomed all and read announcements. She then led the congregation in singing two Praise Songs: “Praise the Name of Jesus” and “When I Look into Your Holiness”. Pastor Russ Thayer read Psalm 86: 1 – 4 as the Call to Worship, followed by Prayer Time and The Lord’s Prayer.
We sang, “I Must Tell Jesus”, then moved on to the Offertory as Margaret played “As the Deer” during collection. Randy Pond sang “The Lord’s Prayer” as Special Music, which garnered much applause and many compliments!
Pastor Russ continued to help us find the true meaning of the words of The Lord’s Prayer – just what are we asking God to do for us??? He, once again, based his sermon on the Book of Matthew, 6: 13. The title of the Sermon was Sermon on the Mount – “Deliverance”. Pastor quoted the words from Verse 13: “And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.”
He reminded us that we are surrounded by evil in all our lives. “Too much of a good thing” can become a temptation and therefore become bad for our health, bad for our bodies and our minds, and ultimately, for our lives. Satan is in the world and when he can find a weakness in a person, he attacks it and provides all kinds of tempting ways to entice us. Daily we are tempted by eating too much, drinking too much…. sometimes we just want to “have a little fun”, “tell a little fib”, “take just a little drink of alcohol”, “eat just a little chocolate”, “enjoy just a little gossip”, “pretend to be something or someone we’re not” because of our egos. The list goes on, and we must turn to God for strength to resist the things we know are bad for us, our families, and our lives. We are always under attack by Satan. God is willing and waiting to help us live truly fruitful and abundant lives. Turn to Him and find your “deliverance” from temptation!
First Baptist will collect canned corn for the Food Cupboard in September.
The Worship Team will practice every Thursday at 1 p.m. with Maggie and Margaret.
The Women’s Group will resume their “Ladies Night Out” on Thursday, September 8 at 5 p.m. They will continue to meet the first Thursday of every month.
The next Soap ‘N More Store will take place on September 24 from 9 a.m. to Noon
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