A large dot marks the only home on the dead-end Wyman Road, off Federal Road, in Livermore. A hearing to discuss closing a section of the Wyman Road to winter maintenance will be held at 6 p.m. Sept. 29 at the Town Office/Fire Station complex. Google maps screenshot

LIVERMORE — Selectpersons will hold a public hearing Sept. 29 to discuss closing part of Wyman Road to winter maintenance.

At their special meeting Tuesday night, selectpersons voted 3-0 in favor of closing the dead-end road, which is off Federal Road. Jeremy Emerson, Randy Ouellette and Scott Richmond voted in favor; Chairman Mark Chretien abstained; Brett Deyling was absent.


At the annual town meeting in April, voters passed an article giving the board authority to discontinue winter maintenance on roads, which must be done by Oct. 1. A public hearing is required at least seven days before the deadline.

Administrative Assistant Aaron Miller said there is only one home on the road.

“It is a challenge to take care of that road,” he said. Many years ago a subdivision was proposed but was never developed, he noted.

“With three or four cars parked down there, it is pretty tight,” Highway Foreman Roger Ferland said. “There is no room to turn around.”

The property address is 88 Federal Road, Ferland added.

The town attorney agrees selectpersons have the right to close the road, Miller said, but the closure can’t exceed 10 years.


In another matter, selectpersons decided to advertise again for a plow truck driver.

An applicant backed out after his current employer offered $3.50 more an hour to stay and a company truck next summer, Chretien said. “We can’t match that,” he added.

Emerson noted Jay pays its plow truck drivers $22.50 an hour and Livermore Falls pays $20.70 an hour.

Richmond said he figured Livermore would need to pay between $21 and $22 an hour.

Chretien suggested going to at least $23 an hour with experience.

“We’ve got to have competitive wages,” Richmond said.

“We’ve got no choice,” Emerson noted.

Selectpersons agreed to offer between $18 and $23 per hour, based on experience.

In other business selectpersons unanimously approved the $5,378.75 bid from Manzer’s Fine Grade and Earthwork in Anson to replace three culverts on River Road. The culverts will be provided by the town.