FARMINGTON — At the Sept. 13 Selectmen’s meeting a special Town Meeting was scheduled for Oct. 3. Voters will consider two purchases – land abutting Public Works and a firetruck to replace Engine 2.

The meeting will be held in the downstairs conference room at the municipal building at 6:30 p.m.

Selectmen in July voted to begin looking at purchasing a firetruck.

Before July, the price of the truck they were looking at was $850,000. At that time there had already been two price increases of about 7% each.

Waller said there will be a price change Nov. 1, but the amount was not mentioned.

The town didn’t receive the grant it applied for, in part because the average age of the fleet is fairly new, other than the 1995 Engine 2, he added.


The contract needs to be signed before Nov. 1, Farmington Fire Rescue Chief TD Hardy said.

Engine #2 is a 1995 and is 3 years past its expected life, has been put out to bid, Waller wrote in a Sept. 20 email. “We anticipate the cost to be approximately $850,000,” he continued. “The brand and exact specifications will depend on the bidding results.”

Farmington also has an opportunity to purchase a 22-acre parcel abutting the Public Works garage. In July Waller said Public Works Director Philip Hutchins thought the lot would improve parking, machinery movement and the public’s access to different parts of the facility.

The cost is $2,000 per acre for a total of $44,000, Waller wrote Tuesday.

In other business selectmen:

Authorized an appropriation of up to $2,500 from the Municipal Building Reserve Account to replace the Town Clerk’s office door to provide more visibility.

Accepted $2,657 Edward S. Byrne Justice Assistance Grant to purchase updated body armor for Police Chief Kenneth Charles, Deputy Chief Shane Cote and a detective – to be hired.

Approved a resolution for 2022 Maine Service Centers Coalition membership and appointed Waller the town’s voting delegate with Selectman Stephan Bunker as alternate.

Accepted as written the self-assessment for the Community Resilience Partnership grant application. The town is seeking $50,000 to help with air conditioning costs at the Community Center.

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