CANTON — Selectmen decided Thursday to call a special town meeting for residents to vote on allocating money from the general fund to achieve a property tax rate of $17.75 for fiscal year 2022-23.

The current rate is $17.50 per $1,000 of assessed property value.

The date and time of the special town meeting will be decided at the next board meeting Oct. 13 at 6 p.m. in the Town Office meeting room.

Town Clerk Angela Varnum said there is $1.26 million in the general fund.

The plan, with voters’ consent, board Chairman Don Hutchins said, is “to allocate the appropriate amount of money out of the general fund to get us to the goal” of $17.75.

At a special town meeting last September, residents approved appropriating $150,000 from an undesignated fund balance to offset property taxes.

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