AUBURN — Sophomore forward Emily Andrews was easy to spot on the field hockey field.

Andrews spent most of Thursday’s game in front of the Wells net, scoring five goals and spearheading St. Dom’s 10-0 victory over the Warriors.

She announced herself with loud bangs after a couple of her goals slammed into the back of the Wells cage. She scored all four of the undefeated Saints’ (9-0) goals in the first quarter.

“Usually I play really up (in front of the net),” Andrews said. “There is no offsides, so I just really play up, and then my team is really good at driving the ball up to me, and usually I am in the right place at the right time. But it is mostly my team that can get it up the field and get it to me — and I am just, like, the last part and I get it in the goal.

“We all played a really good game. We have been really working hard at our practices, and we are just starting to bond better as the year goes on, and that really helps with the goal count, in general.”

Andrews scored her fifth goal in the third quarter after the Saints  built a 7-0 lead by halftime.


St. Dom’s coach Karli-An Holt said Andrews’ five-goal extravaganza was “insane.”

“It tends to be the trend that we have one girl who kind of scores the several goals in a game,” Holt said. “I guess it is just the momentum, and (Andrews) has been performing really well. We’ve pulled her down to midfielder for a little bit, and she has been performing well there. She’s been killing it at forward. She is definitely a great athlete — a good asset.”

Andrews wasn’t the only Saints player to turn in a hat trick.

Forward Lorelei Bonney also scored three goals, two of those in the second quarter. Eighth-grade forward Ava Martin also scored an unassisted goal in the second, giving the Saints a 7-0 lead. Senior Ava Apodaca and Madeline Andrews each collected an assist during the Saints’ three-goal assault.

“I think the girls were kind of — I don’t want to say settled or complacent, but I think that today they definitely took their energy to a new level and ground it out,” Holt said. “I am really satisfied with the results. We really played well together. It was awesome to see some girls score multiple goals and (get) a lot of different assists.”

The Saints were still going on a tear in the second half, adding three goals to their lead. Emily Andrews scored her fifth in the third quarter. Martin tallied her second goal and an assist and Bonney got her third goal in the fourth quarter to make it a 10-0 game.


St. Dom’s kept Wells at bay the entire game, holding the Warriors to two shots on net. Winning freshman goalie Maia Cote made just one save.

Wells (3-5) coach Katelyn Rich said the Warriors are a young team, with only two seniors on the roster.

“Yeah, (the Saints) are a tough team,” Rich said. “I mean, especially in the second half, we started getting our momentum back. If there is one thing I can say about this team is they didn’t give up. 

“(The Saints) are a very competitive team. They have been very strong for years. They are a passing team. It is hard to defend that when you are struggling to create chemistry yourself with a young team.”

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