A large dot marks the only home on dead-end Wyman Road, off Federal Road, in Livermore. Selectpersons voted Thursday to have Jamie Roy snowblow the town’s section of the road this winter and next. Google maps screenshot

LIVERMORE — Selectpersons on Thursday unanimously approved contracting Jamie Roy of Livermore to snowblow the town’s section of Wyman Road, contingent having appropriate insurance.

The two-year contract is for $5,000 per year: Oct. 1 through May 15, 2023, and Oct. 1, 2023, through May 15, 2024. It’s based on 20 storms at $250 per storm each year and the work done as needed.

Administrative Assistant Aaron Miller said it was the only bid submitted.

In September, Selectpersons took no action on discontinuing winter maintenance on its 135-foot section of the road, which runs off Federal Road.

On Oct. 11, they voted to move forward with the process and request bids for snowblowing its section of the road. When there were no responses for bids by the Oct. 25 deadline, the board said it would reach out to a contractor. It was not clear if Roy was that contractor.

Attorney Ron Guay, who is representing Wyman Road property owners Chris and Addie McHugh, asked Thursday if the town has a formal snow removal plan. He also wanted to know what would determine when Wyman Road would be cleared of snow.


Selectperson Brett Deyling said he lives on a dead-end road that has about 50 other homes. There are times it’s impassible, but the road is eventually cleared, he noted.

“I don’t complain,” Deyling said. The town does the best it can, he added.

Guay asked how much it would cost to plow Wyman Road.

Deyling said it would depend on how many times the plow got stuck there, delaying plowing other roads where there are more homes.

Chris McHugh, who owns the only residence on Wyman Road, said the plow truck drives down once then goes back up.

Guay asked how long that usually took and McHugh said five minutes.


“In the 16 years I have lived there, the plow truck has gotten stuck three times,” McHugh said.

Highway Foreman Roger Ferland previously said it cost $500 for a tow truck every time a plow truck is stuck.

In 16 years it cost $1,500 for a tow truck and the town is willing to pay $5,000 to have the road snowblowed, Guay noted.

“We are not looking at this strictly as monetary,” Deyling said.

Livermore has 46 miles of roads to clear and only four trucks, board Chairman Mark Chretien said. Plowing Wyman Road is hard on the truck, he said.

If a truck goes off the road it may be out of service for repairs, Selectperson Scott Richmond said. “It could be more than three times we have had to pull a truck out, I can’t keep track.”


Selectperson Randy Ouellette said the crew that plows Wyman Road should be asked how long it typically takes to plow it.

A turnaround agreement for Wyman Road is not in place and the town doesn’t want one, Deyling said.

McHugh offered to approve one.

“I’ve been down there, there is no place to turn around,” Chretien said. He asked if the changes McHugh had agreed to had been made.

McHugh said they had not because of rain issues.

“We are not going to plow a driveway,” Chretien said. “After 135 feet it is not town property.”


Guay maintained that part of Wyman Road is not a private driveway.

“We are going by the tax map,” Miller said. The town hasn’t paid to have a survey done, the town’s attorney recommends using the 135 feet on the tax map, he noted.

Taxpayers elected this board to see that resources it is entrusted with are wisely used, Deyling said. “We have decided it is more economical and effective to snowblow Wyman Road,” he added.

Guay said the snowblowing contract for Wyman Road raises concerns. Unless it is tightened it can be argued it is the discontinuance of Wyman Road, he noted. He also was concerned about when Wyman Road would be cleared.

Deyling cut off the debate with his motion to contract with Roy.

“(McHugh) should be thanking us for plowing him out the past 16 years,” Ouellette said.