Mike Small looks at his phone Thursday afternoon at his business, Small’s Plantcare on Summer Street in Auburn. “I almost cringe when I get calls these days from people looking for poinsettias. Nearly everything I have grown is spoken for. With Whiting’s closing next door, and fewer people growing because of the rising costs of materials, and especially with the cost of fuel to heat the greenhouse, you just don’t make any money on them, it’s just not worth it anymore. This might be my last year growing these.” He is also experiencing high demand for the wreaths he and his employees produce in the basement of the greenhouse and at his house. Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal

Mike Small makes a wreath Thursday afternoon at his business, Small’s Plantcare on Summer Street in Auburn. Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal

Mike Small makes a wreath Thursday afternoon at his business, Small’s Plantcare on Summer Street in Auburn.  Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal

Mike Small makes a wreath Thursday afternoon at his business, Small’s Plantcare on Summer Street in Auburn. Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal