LIVERMORE — Administrative Assistant Aaron Miller showed Selectpersons features of the new town website at their Nov. 22 meeting.

“It is much more user friendly, it is live,” he said. “One of the things I like about this is you can update it pretty easily. You can have your [information] packets uploaded.”

The website will act as a record of what’s happening in town and over the years, Miller noted. “If you are ever looking for that one piece of paper you had at a Selectpersons meeting, the website is where it would be,” he said. “It is not dependent on the old way of archiving with the Town Clerk.”

When asked by Selectperson Brett Deying if material all the way back to the 1920s would be uploaded, Miller said no. Miller did want the board to consider what information should be included on the website. Sometimes it is hard to find a town’s record keeping, the website would be a way to archive that, he noted. Information on the site would be available for the public to review, he added.

Selectperson Randy Ouellette asked if the public could ask questions on the website.

“No,” Miller said. “They would have my email.”


Many things have been carried over from the old site, Miller noted. “I am still working on it, I know it is out of order,” he stated. “I have got to work the bugs out of it. It’s much more user friendly for anyone who isn’t a computer genius. It is easy to post new things that are happening.”

Deyling suggested adding an archives or closed bid folder so people would know those were no longer active or open. “It is nice to be able to see past stuff,” he said. “I like the way it looks. It seems to be very well laid out.”

“it’s pretty exciting,” Miller said. “We can really flesh this out, make it into a really user friendly website.”

The new site uses the same address, can be accessed on portable electronic devices, Miller noted. The new site is also secure, the last one wasn’t, he added.

Deyling said putting community pictures on the website would be great.

“The biggest thing I always get asked about is for the minutes,” Selectperson Scott Richmond said.


“The minutes are all on there,” Miller said.

In other business, Miller will check prices for adding a light at Brettuns Pond since the original estimate was obtained in September. Miller told the board he had been in touch with Chris Hobbs, who lives at the corner and he is okay with stretching a power line off his property over to Keith Street. “It is the cheapest way of doing it,” he noted.

The estimate was $1,450 the last time we spoke, Miller said.

If the price is $5,000 it may have to be looked at again, Deyling said.

Deyling also has found another option to consider for the bathroom at the transfer station. He noted it is getting closer to the end of American Rescue Plan Act funding and the town needs to start moving forward on plans for improvements there and at the town garage.


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