The Rangeley Selectmen held a public workshop at 5:00pm on January 17th. The workshop provided information gathered from an Oquossoc Village Transportation Study. The study was a collaborative effort by Maine Department of Transportation, Wright-Pierce Engineering and TYLin Consultants. There were two areas looked at. One area was from Haines Landing Boat Launch to the State’s boat trailer parking lot. The other area started at the intersection of Routes 4 and 16 and ended at Skiway Road. The purpose of the study was to identify ways to improve access and safety. Changes to crosswalks, sidewalks, speed limits and parking are being evaluated. A public hearing to present a Draft Plan of Proposals is scheduled for May 19, 2023.
At a 5:30pm public workshop, Zack Gosslin the Resiliency Co-Ordinator for Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments, gave an update on the availability of grant money. Rangeley’s enrollment in the Community Resilience Partnership makes the Town eligible for a $50,000.00 (no match) Action Grant. There is a list of 72 resiliency actions that the grant will cover. Some actions included in the list are EV chargers, efficiency improvements to heating and cooling systems, weatherization improvements to municipal buildings, support for Maine’s natural resource economy and support for clean energy jobs and businesses. The Town Manager and Selectmen will identify a project that meets the Action Grant’s criteria in February so that it will be eligible for funding in March.
At 6:00pm the regularly scheduled Board of Selectmen’s meeting was called to order with all five members present. An Event Permit was approved for the Winterpaloozah to be held at Haley Pond on February 19th between the hours of 10:30am and 2:00pm. This event is provided by the Rangeley Skating Club and the Chamber of Commerce. Some of the many fun activities include a cardboard sled race, dog keg pull, saucer bowling, dog sledding, snow golf, horse and carriage rides and ice skating.
A Liquor License renewal for Moose Alley Bowling Center was approved. Selectperson Samantha White abstained from voting and discussion citing a conflict of interest because her mother owns Moose Alley.
After receiving cost allocation information the Selectmen authorized Town Manager Joe Roach to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the Town of Rangeley and Franklin County to pay $8,298.27 for upgrades to communication services provided by Information Management Corporation. The money will be taken from this year’s Police Department budget. There is a surplus in the Police budget this year because a salary was budgeted for a third police officer but one was not hired.
The Women’s Fellowship Organization of the Rangeley Congregational Church donated $300.00 to the Rangeley Health Ride program. The Selectmen voted to accept the donation and thanked them for their caring and generosity.
The most recent draft of Chapter 34 – Short Term Rentals has not been reviewed by the Town’s attorney yet. As soon as the Selectmen receive the attorney’s comments on Chapter 34 they will schedule a public hearing.
The Town received two responses to their Request For Proposals for a Town wide revaluation. The responses are being reviewed and will be voted on at a future Selectmen’s meeting.
The Sewer Commission will hold a public hearing on Rangeley’s septic spray license at 5:00pm on February 14, 2023.
The first Town budget meeting is scheduled for January 30th at 6:00pm. The budget meetings scheduled for February 2, 7 and 9 will begin at 4:30pm. There are several vacancies on the Budget Committee. If you have any interest in serving on the Town’s Budget Committee please notify the Town Office.
“A democracy is healthiest when the public is informed about the activities of leaders of industry and occupants of public office.” -Melvin Melcher
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