POLAND — The Select Board on Tuesday approved administrative adjustments to the Capital Improvement Program.

Funds which were once dedicated solely for the town hall elevator and furnace replacement were moved to the single line item of Building and Property Improvements. The elevator fund was $10,000 and the furnace replacement account was $9,156.

The Building and Improvements line item will increase from $25,800 to $44,956 and will still be funded only by town timber sales. Deputy Town Manager Nikki Pratt said the Building and Property Improvement money can then be used on any town property.

The Select Board also approved moving $3,732 leftover from costs associated with doing the town’s Comprehensive Planning, which was completed last year, and establishing a line item to fund a vehicle for the code enforcement officer.

In another monetary move, this one involving the Ricker Memorial Library, the Select Board authorized an article in the annual town meeting warrant that will allow moving about $8,000 from the Undesignated Fund Balance to a special revenue account for library donations and dedicated donations.

The town administration discovered that in past years library patrons had donated an estimated $8,000 to the library for regular and dedicated library purposes. And at the end of each fiscal year the unspent money was added to the Undesignated Fund Balance instead of a special library account.


This article, if approved will also prevent this from happening again.

The Select Board also agreed to review the commercial and residential building permit fee schedule before approving a new schedule slated for the summer.

Selectperson Mary-Beth Taylor asked if the permit fees may be higher than they need, if they are based on the cost of building materials.

Selectperson Nathan McNally requested that the town provide a list of what other Maine communities base their building fees on to see how they compare to Poland’s.

The Select Board also approved the appointment of Pratt as registrar of voters until Dec. 31, 2024.

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