Lewiston Daily Sun for Feb. 8, 1964

Read more about Feb. 8, 1964, in the SunJournal.com archives.

100 Years Ago: 1923

Lunn & Sweet employees are making big plans for their annual dance which is to be on Saturday night at Lewiston City Hall. This is their third annual barn dance and they are planning on a better time than ever. Maynard B. Moore is general chairman, and the subcommittees chairmen include: tickets, Miss Norrine Brown; booths, Henry Ranpin;; stage carpenter, Wallace Rice; advertising, Allen Alley and Jules Hensler; checkroom, Mr. Heldman; music, Charles Jaynes and C. H. Holmes. There are to be 15 booths and prizes are to be given for costumes, featuring the most ridiculous, etc. Music will be by Barrett’s orchestra. The committee is planning many novel features on the program.

50 Years Ago: 1973

Mrs. Joyce Lewis of Auburn brought three local young people to the Legislative session at Augusta Wednesday, Serving as honorary pages were Timothy Mills, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Willis, Robin Road, Auburn; Herman Bansmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bansmer, 52 Winter Street, Lewiston: and Peter Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Robinson, Lewiston. At the hearing on Equal Rights for Women they met a group of Edward Little High School students who were present. A trip to the State Museum concluded the day-long trip.

25 Years Ago: 1998


Last month’s devastating ice storm was hardly a cause for celebration, but that’s what some storm survivors are doing.

Randolph, N.H. residents organized a “We Survived” party at the Town Hall for Saturday night. Guests at the potluck dinner were asked to bring $2 along with their casseroles to help the town buy emergency equipment for the town.

Becky Parker and Sara Glines came up with the idea for the party. The sisters say they were touched by the many acts of kindness they saw that week and wanted to show their appreciation.

Some Randolph residents went without power for six days, but residents say they made it through with a lot of help from their neighbors.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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