Lewiston Evening Journal for March 3, 1948

Read more about March 3, 1948, in the SunJournal.com archives.

100 Years Ago: 1923

The employees of the R. P. Hazzard Shoe company, in Gardiner, particularly those who live too far away to permit them returning home for dinner, are soon to have the privilege of securing their lunches under the same roof where they work.

The restaurant, which is to be established on the first floor of the building, will be conducted by Charles E. Hale. For several years Mr. Hale was proprietor of the Hale Restaurant in Depot Square is no novice in the work.

50 Years Ago: 1973

The next session of Operation Lace (Let’s All Communicate Effectively, which is sponsored by the Insurance Women of Androscoggin Valley, will be held at Lewiston High School at 7 o’clock Thursday evening, March 8.


Miss Madeleine Giguere, assistant professor of sociology at the University of Maine at Portland will address the women, speaking on the topic, “What Is Zero Population Growth?”

25 Years Ago: 1998

Lewiston Mayor Kaileigh Tara was the guest speaker at the annual meeting of Androscoggin Habitat for Humanity. Tara applauded the efforts of the local Habitat organization and commended Habitat for providing a bridge of hope between those in need and those who can help.

“If someone doesn’t have a place to come home to, it is very difficult to be grounded and focused,” Tara commented. “From my own personal experiences, I understand the plight and struggle that families deal with every day. It may look like there is no hope, but often the hope is just lost. The work that Habitat does |s the bridge to hope.”

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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