Lewiston Evening Journal for March 29, 1943

Read more about March 29, 1943, in the SunJournal.com archives.

100 Years Ago: 1923

“Come and See” is the slogan which the girls of the clubs and classes of Y. W. C. A. have adopted for their exhibition to be given Wednesday evening. April 4th at 8 o’clock in Auburn Hall. Very few people have a complete conception of the program of the Y. W. C. A. and this exhibition will give the public a knowledge of the work and will give the girls of the individual clubs and classes a chance to see their work displayed with the work of all departments.

50 Years Ago: 1973

Some five hundred Girl Scouts on the sixth grade junior and Cadette level are expected to converge on Edward Little High School next Saturday for a day of music. Called “Music in the Round,” the sessions will range from composition to singing for fun and will include seven different instrumental ensembles.

This is the first time such an event has been planned for Scouts in Kennebec Girl Scout Council and it is being presented in answer to last year’s request from the girls themselves for more non-camping activities. Sandra Simpson, music supervisor in the Auburn public schools, is in charge of the event which she says “has been designed to provide a music opportunity to suit all abilities.” Registrations will take place from 8:15 to 9:30 a.m. when classes will begin.


During the morning the Scouts will break into various interest groups for classes and, following a picnic lunch at noontime, all will gather in one place for a giant festival of music.

Session leaders include beginning guitar, Connie Roy and Connie Norton, both Auburn elementary teachers; advanced guitar, Tom Rowe, guitarist, teacher and professional performer; wind ensemble, Jeffry Cale, director of Auburn middle schools band, and Sandra Simpson, music supervisor in the Auburn public schools; percussion, Alan Simons, director Edward Little High School band; flutophone, Chloe Hakakian, Auburn elementary music specialist; learning songs, Elaine Emery, Oxford Hills music teacher, and Katheleen Gay, musician and choir director, and Martha Gay of Raymond, a former music teacher; music composition, Lois Bray, Auburn elementary music teacher. And Susan Holinger of Lewiston will conduct a song roundup for adults accompanying girls to the event.

25 Years Ago: 1998

(photo from Sun Journal) St. Mary’s employees who recently returned from Haiti are, from left, Vicki Bisbee, Marc Boissonneault, Sandra Boutin, Marjorie Powell, Sally Brochu, Jackie Deschaine, Donna Langelier, Sue Belanger, Wendy Bennett, Debra Charest, Liz LeBlanc and Kelly Greenlee. Also standing with the group are Nannette Canniff and Father Gerry Osterman from the St. Boniface Foundation, and John-Favid Edurne, far right, the group’s translator and guide.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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