POLAND — At its first public hearing on the annual meeting warrant Saturday morning, the Select Board disclosed a proposed 7.06% increase in municipal spending.

At $8.94 million, it’s nearly $587,000 more than the $8.3 million for this fiscal year, which ends June 30.

The expenses, however, are offset by $3.03 million in revenue from such sources as state allocation, fees and excise taxes.

The net amount to be raised by property taxes is $5.8 million, a 5.01% increase.

Board Chairman Stephen Robinson said that amounts to a $14 increase for a $100,000 property, and $21 for a $150,000 property, the cost of an average home in Poland.

The municipal articles will be voted on June 13 at the polls instead of an in-person meeting. Voters approved the change  last November.


A separate article to bond an additional $550,000 for the expansion of the Ricker Memorial Library will also be on the ballot.

Last April, voters passed an $850,000 bond to fund the expansion, but costs for a heating and cooling system have since risen dramatically.

The school budget for Regional School Unit 16 will also be voted on as a separate article, Robinson said.

The second public hearing on the annual meeting warrant will be held at 6:30 p.m. April 12.

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