Andover selectmen, from left, Brian Mills, Joe Luce and Justin Thacker discuss bids for road projects Tuesday at their meeting in the Town Hall. Marianne Hutchinson/Rumford Falls Times
ANDOVER — Selectmen voted Tuesday night to accept bids from Spencer Group Paving of Turner to grind and grade Wyman Hill and pave South Arm roads.
“On Wyman Hill, it’s going to be $101,890 coming from the COMSAT (Trust Fund), and then it’s going to be $18,289 coming from the road and bridge account, Selectman Joe Luce said. “And the total bid for that job was $120,179,” he said.
The board also accepted Spencer’s bid of $223,192 to pave South Arm Road. Luce said the voters appropriated $183,000 for the roadwork at the 2022 town meeting. On Tuesday, the board voted to take the $40,192 difference from the road and bridge account.
Selectmen also discussed the bid for repairs for East Andover Road but held off on how to proceed because the $168,000 cost was more than the bid offered.
“My personal opinion, right now is we’re going to have to cut that project in half, to get the culverts, the gravel work (done), we just need to figure out which half we want to do, if we want to continue from (Route) 120 and go south or at the town line and come north,” board Chairman Brian Mills said. The board would have to ask the town for money to pay for East Andover Road repair at the June 10 town meeting, he said.
In other business, selectmen voted that the spring cleanup will be the first two weeks of May and a fall cleanup the first two weeks of September. They also decided to request that Northern Oxford Regional Solid Waste of Mexico take the town’s recyclables.
“It’s costing us $400 a trip to haul those recyclables” to a recycling center in Westbrook, Mills said. Although he hadn’t done a financial analysis, he said, he was “pretty sure it’s going to be much cheaper to truck them to Mexico.”
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