Read more about April 6, 1948, in the archives.
100 Years Ago: 1923
The widely heralded University of Maine band will conduct their “Pop Concert” in Lewiston City hall Friday night. This has been an annual event and one anticipated with great interest each year by local alumni and friends of the state college.
50 Years Ago: 1973
(from a journal photo) The first of a series of programs of an ecumenical nature planned to interest all women received a warm welcome at the Auburn United Methodist Church recently. Under the auspices of the United Methodist Women of the church the day-long program, called “Our Life Together,” a pilgrimage, included arts and crafts, knitting, sewing and special interest groups in the morning, a sandwich lunch at noon with the UMW providing beverages and a program in the afternoon. Mrs. Olive Curtis works with one group engaged in handcraft, involving ring beads, shells, paint, and styrofoam stick-ons. Reading clockwise are Edna Newcombe, Pauline Getchell, Mrs. Curtis, Florence Strout, Olive James, Louise Record. Other groups worked on bandages for a Rhodesian hospital, and at knitting and sewing garments for the church fair to be held in the Fall.
25 Years Ago: 1998
Sue Winn of Monmouth, a senior at Monmouth Academy, has been selected to receive the 1998 Principal’s Award, Principal Roy Crawford announces. The award, sponsored by the Maine Principals’ Association, is given in recognition of a high school senior’s academic achievement and citizenship. Winn has participated for four years in drama, speech and band, and is a member of the National Honor Society. In addition, she has taken several courses at Bates College during her senior year at Monmouth Academy.
Winn, Crawford, and other award winners and their principals will attend an Honors Luncheon Saturday in Brewer. The luncheon recognizes these outstanding students with the presentation of an individual plaque and the selection of the Horace O. McGowan Scholarship recipient.
The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.
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