Read more about April 14, 1923, in the archives.
100 Years Ago: 1923
The annual meeting of the Women’s Literary Union will be held Tuesday afternoon at New Odd Fellows Hall on Elm Street. Among the important things to discuss is the question of raising the dues, and it is hoped that many will be there for a full discussion. The request from the president of the State Federation that each club contribute five cents per capita membership to the headquarters of the National Federation at Washington, is also to be acted on. In addition to the business there will be a short program.
50 Years Ago: 1973
The Art and Literature Club met recently at the Kate J. Anthony House in Auburn when Mrs. Elton Fales reviewed several books. Serving as hostesses were Mrs. R.I. Mitchell, Mrs. Royal Tufts, Mrs. Albert M. Eustis, Mrs. Louis Isbel and Mrs. Leonard Williams. The annual meeting of the club will be held May 7 at the Holiday Inn in Auburn.
25 Years Ago: 1998
Gov. Angus King shared a little-known fact about his younger years after he signed a bill Monday toughening the requirements for teen-agers who want a driver’s license.
“I got into an accident two weeks after I got my license, basically because I didn’t have enough experience,” King said, recalling an incident 39 years ago. “I wasn’t injured, fortunately. I managed to turn left out of a right-hand lane. The cab driver that I turned in to wasn’t too fond of it.”
King used the tale to drive home the need to give young drivers more education and experience before letting them have a license.
The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.
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