LIVERMORE FALLS — Three articles on the annual Town Meeting ballot Tuesday will not be tallied because they have errors, Town Manager Amanda Allen said.

Allen reviewed the warrant when she returned from administrative leave in March and noticed the errors.

Articles 11, 25 and 40 will not be tallied, she said. They have been moved to a proposed June 20 vote.

Article 11 deals carrying forward money for different accounts but it lacks the amounts.

Article 25 deals with summer recreation which, according to the Town Report, has a negative balance listed, which is incorrect, Allen said.

And Article 40, which covers the property tax levy in reference to the municipal budget, contains the year 2022 instead of 2023, she said.

Proposed ordinances that were to be voted on during a “raise your hand vote” June 13 have also been rescheduled for the vote proposed for June 20.

The annual vote Tuesday on a proposed $3.2 million spending plan for 2023-24 will be held from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Fire Station. The plan reflects an increase of $324,611 from the current budget without factoring in revenues. A new budget would go into effect July 1.