I would like to share my opinion on abortion.

Religious beliefs have no medical or scientific expertise, especially about fetal development. Therefore, religious beliefs do not determine when life begins.

Religions have no right to make medical decisions for anyone or for any reason. Our Constitution protects citizens from any religion trying to force its beliefs upon others who believe differently.

To be able to survive on Earth the unborn child first has to leave the womb. Once out of the womb the human body must be able to breathe in oxygen and the body must be able to tolerate the oxygen.

Only then can life begin. Before the body is able to breathe, the body is simply in suspended animation.

The unborn child has no consciousness; otherwise we would remember our time while in the womb. Time in the womb is for the body to grow. Therefore, I don’t think the fetus is able to think or feel human emotions.

I don’t believe physical pain is consciously felt by the fetus. The pain is simply a reaction with our nervous system, which I think means the unborn baby does not consciously know it is experiencing pain.

Brielle Daniels, Lewiston

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