Read more about April 28, 1948, in the archives.
100 Years Ago: 1923
The fishing season at Lake Auburn began officially Saturday afternoon, the announcement being made by E. M. Lowell, game warden, Saturday morning. The lake at that time was clear of ice with the exception of a small space at the north end of the lake.
50 Years Ago: 1973
Mrs. Elaine Cooper, who has been the secretary of Auburn Police Chief Stephen Smyc for the past year, will be leaving her position, as she has accepted employment at Altoona, Pa., where she will move with her family.
25 Years Ago: 1998
At the March 26 meeting of the Greene Historical Society, Berkley and Dorothy Hobart were honored for their outstanding dedication and contributions to keeping the history of Greene. A plaque was presented to Berkley. It had a clock and the following inscription, “F. Berkley Hobart, Official Historian, Greene Historical Society, March 26, 1998.” Chairman Sally Hebert presented the plaque and stated “Berkley, you have been the keeper of the time, of The History of Greene, so we present this so that you can continue to keep time with us.” Dot was presented with a corsage and honored as the person backing Berkley. The room was decorated and cake and ice cream were served.
The Hobarts were very surprised, and said it was a great honor to be shown this respect. Berkley said he hopes he can live up to the title of Official Town Historian.
Hobart became interested in town history as a youngster. His mother Lois was very interested in people and town affairs, and he inherited this trait as well. In 1987, a committee was formed for The Bicentennial of Greene for 1988, Hobart was on this committee. He took photographs of people and places around town. Many townspeople loaned their scrapbooks and albums to him and he has been collecting articles and information since then.
The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.
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