I have many concerns about what is happening in Auburn right now.

Having lived in our home for 40 years, we’ve seen many changes. I felt pretty lucky to have raised our family here.

Our kids used to skate on the city-maintained rink in the field behind our house or at Ingersoll rink at Pettengill Park. Today’s kids can only skate one hour a week at the Norway arena, and they have to pay.

We used to have the YMCA pool. That’s gone. Auburn could have put a pool at the new high school, which would have been great for kids and the community.

Now the city wants to tear down the Police Activities League Community Center after spending thousands to put in a commercial kitchen. The new building will cost $8.6 million and will only duplicate what is already in the neighborhood (a daycare and indoor basketball court).

The “free” architect plans call for glass walls. How much will it cost to repair or replace one of those glass walls? The city hasn’t yet found a way to replace the pink rubber curb pads that were destroyed by the sidewalk plows the first winter they were installed.

At recent city meetings I’ve witnessed residents pleading to have their neighborhood protected from unwanted changes. When are there going to be public meetings for residents to be heard?

The city blocked the rezoning referendum. Do residents really want to pay millions for a filtration system for Lake Auburn?

Maureen O’Brien, Auburn

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