In our state if someone hurts or kills a kitten or a puppy, they will be punished, fined, or in some cases, jailed.
Our governor, while campaigning, stated she would not change the existing abortion law. She and other lawmakers have now proposed a bill, LD 1619, that would allow late-term abortion extending beyond the time when the baby might be able to thrive outside the mother’s body.
Animals will fight with their lives to protect their young. Some humans, who are supposed to be superior, are now fighting for the right to kill their babies. How can a mother who has felt a child grow in her body not know that this is not just a mess of cells, but a real living baby? A mother nurtures and does not harm her babies.
If a woman carries her child to late term, it may mean she has doubts and fears, and is scared about what to do. She needs counseling, not an abortion. She needs caring people who will work with her through the pregnancy and birth.
Abortion is cruel and tortures the child who feels pain. Everyone involved in late-term abortion bears the guilt — the mother, the provider and lawmakers.
We shouldn’t let this bill become a law. Our state representatives and senators should vote no on LD 1619.
Bernice Fraser, Minot
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