1. Women finding themselves in an unwanted pregnancy surely can be quite disturbed about it.

2. They won’t have “a life” with a kid. They can’t afford a kid. They won’t have their freedom. They’re afraid. You name it.

3. So they insist they should get the abortion. They kill the kid.

4. What about the woman who is distressed by her neighbors?

5. They disturb her sleep. They are nosy and nasty. They make her miserable. She can’t afford to move or buy a home. She’s sick to her stomach.

6. Can she insist that she be allowed to kill the neighbors?


7. The right-to-choose-folks will say “no, but that the neighbors are not her body.”

8. Trouble is … is that neither is the fetus her body, no matter how loudly she might say so. While it has half of her code, it has completely unique DNA that has half of his code. It is a unique human being, just like her neighbors.

9. Abortion is the murder of thy neighbor. LD 1619 has a hearing date of May 1 in Augusta.

Jared Bristol, Hebron

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