FARMINGTON — Farmington Pride Maine [FPM] is getting a head start on the 2023 LGBTQ+ Pride March and Festival, slated for Saturday, June 10, at Meetinghouse Park. The Non-Governmental Organization [NGO] announced a page on on Wednesday, March 29, with the goal of raising $3,000 for this year’s event.

Fresh off the success of last year’s Pride event, FPM is looking to continue their presence in the region and celebrate LGBTQ+ in the Farmington community. According to Leia Pasquarelli, social media coordinator for Farmington Maine Pride, the fundraising campaign is going to be used for funding musicians and performers, as well as first aid, water, and activities.

“I wanted to be able to pay artists this year a rate for their performances, because last year, we only had a donation, like a tip jar,” Pasquarelli stated.

Pasquarelli added that any additional funds they gain will be donated to EqualityMaine.

As for what the community can expect this year, Pasquarelli stated the event will be more centralized than last year.

“We’re going to try to centralize it a little more, not have any bar hops and include more activities and resources for people,” they stated.


Pasquarelli also stated they will be offering new services and resources for people, such as donation racks for clothes for people who are transitioning. They also intend to work with other community resources, such as a local food pantry.

Last year’s Pride event was a historic landmark for the town of Farmington as it was the town’s first LGBTQ+ Pride March and Festival. The event saw hundreds of people gather at Meetinghouse Park on June 22 to advocate for queer rights and celebrate acceptance.

“We’re here to celebrate and show love,” Farmington Pride organizer AJ Saulnier stated at least year’s event.

For this year, Pasquarelli stated they will be reaching out to food trucks, and promises the event will include cotton candy, local queer artists, creatives of all kinds of music, bracelets, and media artists. “I’m hoping to have karaoke, but we haven’t gotten an answer yet,” they stated.

As this article is being written, their GoFundMe page is currently sitting just shy of $1,000. Pasquarelli also stated The Orange Cat Café in Farmington has a jar set up for cash donations.

“The owner is really a true ally,” Pasquarelli stated.

Other businesses have also set up tip jars for this year Pride event, such as B&B Bakery.

For those interested in donating, simply visit their GoFundMe page, For more information about this year’s Pride event as it unfolds, visit FPM’s facebook page,

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