Lewiston Evening Journal for May 4, 1948

Read more about May 4, 1948, in the SunJournal.com archives.

100 Years Ago: 1923

The Dorcas society of the High Street M. E. Church held an all-day meeting in the parish house, Thursday. A dinner was served at noon and in the afternoon, the Ladies’ Circle joined the society in a joint business meeting at which plans for entertaining the Federation of Ladies’ Aid societies, which will meet at the church May 15 were discussed.

50 Years Ago: 1973

(From a Journal photo) A view of the northerly end of the Union Street By-Pass, presently under construction in Auburn. A cut has been made from Court Street to where the by-pass will start on Minot Avenue. As a result of this work, Minot Avenue has been narrowed along this section which is the northern end of the by-pass. Equipment has been busy along this section putting in the leveling of the base fill.

25 Years Ago: 1998

An exhibit of Brunswick paintings and drawings by Robert Rizk of Lewiston will hang at the Bowdoin College Visual Arts Center through Friday. The display is titled “Searching for Caravaggio.” This is the first time any of his work has been on public display. Rizk graduated from Lewiston High School in 1994 and will graduate from Bowdoin College this year.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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