DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Lewiston High School Music Program needs donations of instruments, such as wind, brass, percussion, guitar, keyboard, etc. Please help fill our new space with instruments!

Please contact the Lewiston Public Schools Performing Arts Boosters on Facebook, or email ( or text me at 1-802- 595-1866.

Thank you for considering donating to our program. If you would like to support us in any other way, find LPS Performing Arts on Facebook ( reach out to us.—Matthew, no town

ANSWER: Do you have musical instruments in good condition lurking in your closets or attic? Now you know what to do with them!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Last week a friend of mine who lives in the Lewiston-Auburn area sent me a photograph she took of a vehicle in front of her car while waiting at a light. The vehicle looks like a BMW and the license plate is a University of Maine plate with the identification: “Caro 5.”

I would like to locate the owner of the car as this person may be a relative of mine. It’s an uncommon name and it’s likely that we share the same ancestry.


I am named after my father’s mother’s mother and her family had a summer residence on Mount Desert Island. I wonder if the individual might be a Sun Spots reader and be willing to contact me or give out her contact information so I can contact them. My phone number is 836-2126. — Caro, no town

ANSWER: This is all very interesting. Let us know what happens!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I want to thank the couple who paid for my meal on Mother’s Day afternoon at Pat’s Pizza. It was such a pleasant surprise and was so thoughtful of you. Thanks so much. — No name, no town

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Democracy Brewing, based in Boston, was going to be opening a second location in the old St. Joseph’s Church in Lewiston. Also, Mason’s Brewing, located in Brewer, was planning on opening on Main Street in Auburn. Both breweries were planned to open in 2023. Will they both still be opening this year? — Anita, Sabattus

ANSWER: I haven’t seen any updated information on these breweries. It was written that both breweries will open this summer and I’m sure there will be a big announcement when things are ready to go.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I have over 2,000 Raleigh cigarette coupons. I have had them since back in the 1980s. Would they be worth anything today? — Linda, Sabattus


ANSWER: The coupons may be worth something to a collector. You can check out eBay or Etsy where I’ve seen cigarette coupons older than yours (from the 1960s) sold in lots of 300 or less for under $20.

Back in the day, these coupons were worth less than one cent and after you collected a whole bunch, you could redeem them for cash, or for “premiums” such as kitchen items, lawn furniture, yard tools, games, clocks, fishing poles and linens. It was a wild world back then when people were rewarded for smoking!

Readers, if there is a collector among you and you have information to add, please do!

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name. We won’t use it if you ask us not to. Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to

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