100 Years Ago: 1923

The Neighborhood Mother’s Club will meet Thursday at the High Street Congregational Church. An appreciation luncheon was prepared recently by members of the dieters’ group for those who volunteer their services for the club. Millicent Donahue and Mrs. Ann Lachance were given gifts of appreciation.

50 Years Ago: 1973

The Central Maine Arts and Crafts Guild has completed arrangements for the summer sale which is to take place, Friday, June 1, and Saturday, June 2, in the vestry of the First Universalist Church, Elm Street, Auburn. Workers on the committee include Merwin Kelly, Doris Lepage, Sally Spencer, Glenys C. Lloyd and Miss Brownstone. A wide variety of handcrafted articles made by the members will be featured at the event which is open to the public.

25 Years Ago: 1998

Amy Drake, Judy Mazza and Linda MacGregor are among the members of the People to People Committee that is organizing an arts program for area youngsters this summer. The committee is part of the River Valley Healthy Communities Coalition.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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