Jocelyn Mosher-Collins, commander of George Bunten American Legion Post 10 in Livermore Falls, right, places a wreath Monday at the Jay war memorial with auxiliary member Connie Cordell. Veterans organizations and their auxiliaries held Memorial Day ceremonies Monday morning in Jay, Livermore Falls and other towns in the region. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

Russell Thayer, pastor of First Baptist Church in Livermore Falls, prays Monday at the opening of a Memorial Day ceremony in Union Park in Livermore Falls. Color guard members, from left, are James Manter, Ricky Merrill and Don Frechette. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

Jay Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3335 auxiliary members Alice Robinson, left, and Gail Dube place a wreath Monday morning at a monument in Union Park in Livermore Falls. Memorial Day observances were held at several locations throughout the region. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser