100 Years Ago, 1923

Among the recent gifts to the Auburn Public Library are 230 volumes of miscellaneous art books from the Auburn Art Club. This was the beginning of a library of excellent books started many years ago. It was turned over by vote of the club recently. The library has also been given a copy of the New England Courant, that was published May 11, 1723, very nearly 200 years to the day previous to the date of the gift to the library.

50 Years Ago, 1973

Miss Polly Guy, 17-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Real Guy of 12 Hazel St., Auburn, has been selected to be a finalist in the 1973 Miss Maine Teenager pageant to be held at the Sheraton Hotel in Portland.

25 Years Ago, 1998

Alice Milton, of Auburn, had lots of company Sunday. 75 or 80 people came to pay her homage. It was, after all, her birthday party, but it was no ordinary party. On Sunday Milton turned 100. She was born on May 31, 1898, in Malden, Mass. As her guests were leaving Sunday afternoon she sat in her chair, all smiles. There was some birthday cake left on the table along with loads of food. Milton’s wicker basket was overflowing with dozens of birthday cards and well wishes, including one card from Hillary and President Clinton.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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