100 Years Ago 1923
Albert Dion of Waterville was brought to St. Mary’s hospital in Lewiston Thursday, suffering from Injuries received in a 16 foot fall. One hip was broken, but on Friday morning, he was in so weakened a condition that the extent of the other injuries could not be determined. Dion is about 27 years of age, and formerly lived in Lewiston, moving to Waterville about three years ago. He fell from the fifth story of an apartment house, where he was sitting on a window ledge.
50 Years Ago 1973
Tonight the curtain goes up on the Brunswick Music Theater’s 15th season. For its opening, it will deviate from its music tradition and will present Peter Shaffer’s witty twin comedies, The Private Ear and The Public Eye.
25 Years Ago 1998
Northern Utilities, the firm that supplies Lewiston and Auburn with natural gas, proposes installing an 8-inch gas line through Durham with construction starting as early as this summer. The exact date when work will begin will depend on road paving projects. Although the line is passing through a 12-mile stretch of Durham in order to get to the Bath-Brunswick area, Durham residents and businesses along the 12-mile route will be given the opportunity to convert to natural gas.
The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.
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